Author Struggles

Welcome to Mary's Garden. As with most Sunday's in the fall, the resident gardener is watching NFL. So I'm on my own for a tip. I have found some fun tips from Craftaholics Anonymous  Here goes:

Coffee filters for planting. Put a coffee filter in the bottom of the flower pots… Check out the article for more information.

I invite author's to share what you struggle with most. Grammar, time, etc. And readers, please share with us what you find irritating when reading a book.
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Vamp Writer said…
Hi Mary! I guess like most who've put pen to paper (or more likely now, "fingers to keyboards") I struggle to get readers. I put my "Immortal Relations" series given me by my "Muse" into what an editor informed me were "Adult Paranormal-Romances." I thought they were just unique, very adult stories, of guardian vampires trying to saving humans from evil, including mistakes by politicians and other dictators. I've had some nice reviews on Amazon & Kindle but have "taken a break" from writing all the others in my head until a few more readers leave comments. Comments really are the life's blood of authors (or in my case just a storyteller)!
stanalei said…
For the moment, I don't have a specific thing that is causing my struggles. But I know I'm not writing. I think I lost the passion for the story and need to find it again. Very discouraging at the moment.
Mary said…
I agree Vamp Writer!

Stanalei you'll find your story again, just take a step back a minute. Or take a shower, I do my best thinking in the shower.

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