Day two of Trivia fun!

Welcome everyone! Today is the second day of trivia fun. One event, four places to find four different questions each day. A possible 48 points plus bonus points for 1960's stories!

The Second trivia questions for the garden is:
One of the first known computer video games was invented in 1962. What was it called?

Remember if you share a 1960's story (can be yours, parents, friends, etc.) here at the blog you will receive 2 bonus points.

Remember to follow the links below for more questions and a chance for points.

Four Sisters:
The early sixties was a time of making love, not war. Kathleen finds love and starts a war with her family.

Four Sisters is a story rich in the relationships of Kathleen Williams' life. Kathleen discovers her sexuality in the sixties. She's different from other girls her age and afraid her sisters, especially her closest sister, Deborah, will never understand.

When Kathleen reveals her love for a woman, her worst fears are realized—she’s banished from her home and family.

Forty odd years later, Kathleen is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Susan, her lifelong partner, encourages her to make peace with her family. Kathleen's journey, now, includes rebuilding her relationship with her sisters and parents, as well as the battle of her life. Her only chance for peace is to find acceptance.

Available Now! On Kindle.
Print: Amazon, Barnes and Noble

The release party runs through 7-16-14 at: Mary's Garden Blog
Mary's Author Facebook Page,
and Twitter - Watch for #Foursisters.
Every day there will be a trivia question. (Different on each site.)

Each correct answer will be two points.
A partially correct answer will be one point.
And a wrong answer is a .5 point.
(Answer on all sites for more chances for points!)

At the end of the week the points from all sites will be tallied and the grand prize winner with the most overall points will win their choice of a tie-dyed shirt or $25 donated to their favorite Cancer charity.

The runner-up will win their choice of a Beatles poster or $10 donated to their Cancer charity.

It ends Wednesday the 16th at 12:00 a.m. US MT.
Answers, and winners will be posted on all sites on July 19th by noon.


Mary Preston said…
The answer today is SpaceWar.

bn100 said…

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

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