Debbie Macomber Review / Back on Blossom Street
Back on Blossom Street
MIRA Books
This is the third in the Blossom series. I reviewed the first two together. If you'd like to read that review first click here.
Now that you've read the first review you saw how much I loved the first two books. Debbie had a book signing at the local Borders and so I purchased the 3rd, Back on Blossom Street, and the 4th book, Twenty Wishes, in the series, and as a huge bonus she signed both.
Back on Blossom Street centers around A Good Yarn the first book in the series. Lydia Goetz, the owner of the shop, teaches knitting classes that bring the characters together. This book has two new characters and then Alix Townsend from her original knitting class in the first book. Alix is preparing for her wedding, with the usual wedding jitters. Colette and Susannah are in the new knitting class. Susannah owns the new flower shop, and Colette works for her. Amidst the new characters, and wedding plans, Lydia's niece is carjacked and Lydia's sister goes through a very rough period.
In the first two books, the characters came alive and jumped off the pages, I felt I was hanging out on Blossom Street right along with them. Unfortunately this book fell far short of my expectations. Though I was glad to see Alix married, the story was told, most of it seemed narrated, and there were a few spots I thought "hey you've already said this". Needless to say I'm disappointed.
I'm looking forward to reading the next book, Twenty Wishes, and hope it's back to the caliber of the first two. While I may have been disappointed I still enjoyed reading the book. But I'm sad to say I'll only be giving it: