Finally the winners!

Here is how the points worked:
Each correct answer two points.
A partially correct answer one point.
And a wrong answer .5 point.

Anyone who shared a 1960's story on the blog received 2 bonus points.

There was a possibility of 50 points. That's if someone answered all four questions, correctly, each day and posted a 1960's story for two bonus points. Without further ado, our winner with 34.5 points is:
Diane Lockard

We had a three-way tie, each person had 14 points. I put their names in a hat (literally) and had my husband draw the name. The three names that when in the hat are:
Mary Preston
Bn100 (what her blog ID is)
Brandy Umphreys-Blake
And the winner is:
Mary Preston

Again, thank you for participating. I hope you had fun checking out the 1960's. And I apologize for taking so long on the winners.


Mary Preston said…
So much fun thank you!!!

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