Needed~~~ 2014 Conference suggestions!

Conferences. I'm trying to find one for 2014. I have been to one conference that was not a Romance Writers of America (RWA) chapter or national conference. It was a wonderful experience. Now don't get me wrong I love RWA but the last time I went many of the workshops were ones I've attended in the past or very similar. So for 2014 I'm on the look out for a good writing conference.

I could use some help from all of you! If you have attended any conferences that you would like to recommend, please comment with the name and link if you have it. Meanwhile I have made a list of several conferences and I'm in the process of elimination, hopefully dwindling it down to something that is close, I can afford, and it will fit my needs as an author.

The conference that is on my bucket list of conferences is Thrillerfest. For now that is on the back burning until I write the thriller I have rolling around in the back of my mind. So I continue to search...

Right now I have over 20 on my list. I have a few with double asterisks--meaning they're at the top. However, I'm still not ready to cut the others out yet. For me I want workshops that cover a wide range of genres and topics. Who knows what I want to write in the future. And maybe I haven't found what is just right for me. Is there ever a time when you don't want to learn something new about a particular genre or even writing itself? I would like a conference that has a balance of topics from craft, publishing, marketing, and everything else under the sun. I love to hear from experienced authors and how they managed to get to their level of success. I'm pretty much asking for the literary stars and moon, aren't I. Yet still I ask and seek.

What would be awesome, for me anyway, would be a conference that ended with a writing retreat. One that you would check in at the end of the retreat to share how many pages you wrote and if what you learned during the conference helped. I'm probably asking for too much. Do any of you have suggestions of what else I should be looking for in a conference, besides dollars, because I am on a budget and I'm already look to keep within my price range.

I have never found anything that motivates my creative muse more than a good conference. Working everyday with very limited time to write, motivation is a huge motivation to find a conference. Yes, I know that was sort of cheesy, but true. Any help any of you can give me would be wonderful. Thank you!


Laura Benedict said…
I don't know your work, but I highly recommend Thrillerfest for both networking and inspiration. Excellent panels, and Craftfest--while not a necessary addition--gives you a real feel for how the big names work. Of course, the very best part of the conference happens in the bar after hours and at dinner. For a (slightly) smaller experience, try Bouchercon. Terrific support and camaraderie. Fun panels. Good luck!
Mary said…
Thank Laura, Thrillerfest is one I'd really like to do. But at the moment I do not have my thriller done, or started for that matter. I may have to keep it on the list of possibilities regardless.

I will check into Bouchercon.
Thank you!

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