Good Morning Labor Day Weekenders!

It's the end of the holiday weekend. Did you do something fun? Leave a comment to let me know. We went to Wendover, Nevada. For those who are not familiar with this town, it's a mini-Las Vegas west of Salt Lake City (about 2 hours). I for once, broke even. Usually I might as well hand my money to the door man. (There really isn't one.)

Then we went to a BBQ at a friends, ate too much and relaxed. Today the girls are going to see Julie & Julia. I'll let you know how it is.

As you have noticed I'm changing how I do my blog. Instead of straight reviews of things, I'm mixing it up and trying to have fun. Not to mention blog on a more regular basis. So to make it fun I'm going to be doing monthly polls. (Look to the right) This month is on what Genre's you like to read. Who knows what next month's will be.

I'm going to post recipes for the holidays, ideas for Halloween and do some holiday blog contests. Come back to check it out. Or you can become a follower (again look to the right). Though follower sounds so submissive, maybe the blog gods should have used the word voyeur instead. Isn't that someone who watches?

On to a review of a book I just finished. It's one (autographed) I received at Nationals.
Black Hills
Nora Roberts
Cooper Sullivan is a New York City boy, through and through until he is forced to spend the summer at his Grandparents' South Dakota Ranch. Though it's rough going at first he does come to love it. But there are still things he needs to prove to himself and his father back in the big City.

Lil Chance loves her family's land and has plans to build a wildlife refuge, after of course she becomes a wildlife biologist. She's wanted to do this for as long as she remembers.

When the two are young they fall in love, but that love doesn't keep them together because the forces of who they are keep them apart along their paths. Years later when Cooper's grandfather has an accident, he comes back to the ranch to help. And to stay.

Now he needs to convince Lil he'll never leave again. Very hard to do when in the midst of all this there's a serial killer running loose with Lil as the target.

I found this a very interesting book. It kept my interest most of the time. When it comes to Nora I know when I hit the final pages I'm going to pull an all nighter to finish. Because I've been so busy I let the very last of the book wait, so I could anticipate and also pull my all nighter when I wouldn't have too much in to do the morning.

I started to read the last, and I put it down during a very critical black moment. I was tired. (Very bad thing for the author, that's the last place you want a reader to put it down) I finished it the next night in about twenty minutes. I was very disappointed that it didn't live up to my normal experience. However, I would still recommend the book.
All in all I give this 3 and a side car


Judy Baker said…
Good morning Mary,
I'm doing nothing much today and it feels great. I've been on the computer for an hour now trying to catch up. I spent the week out of town for my day job and I just don't have the energy to do much than work on my writing and read all the e-mail that I'm behind on.
Enjoy your day. Judy
Word Actress said…
Hi Mary - Had a blast at a block party in my friend's neighborhood last night.They had a karaoke machine so I sang my heart out with all the kids there. I slept like a baby. Now I'm doing yard work although I stop in now and then to check in with the writer's list servs I belong to.Later I'll wash my three Golden Retrievers in the sun. You're making me wish I was drinking a Margarita but it's only noon here! Happy Labor Day, post...Mary Kennedy Eastham, Author, 'The Shadow of a Dog I Can't Forget' and the upcoming novel, 'Night Surfing'
Mary said…
I just returned from seeing Julie & Julia with my sister in law. I'll blog on it another time. Thanks for tell me what you've been up too.
Mary said…
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