Monty Python's Spam A Lot Play Review

You probably need to be a fan of Monty Python to actually get some of the humor. However, I think even people who've never heard of Monty Python would love this play.
This is a musical so beware. It's not Singing in the Rain. I laughed so hard I had tears running down my eyes.
Where else can you have a musical that swears, is very politically in correct, the damsel in distress is really a man, Sir Lancelot is gay and the lady of the lake AKA Guinevere is likened unto a Vegas showgirl along with her laker girls? And at the final cast curtain call, the audience sings along with the cast “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”.
And remember always; What happens in Camelot, stays in Camelot!
I loved it, I would see it again tonight if I could actually get tickets! If you get the chance, see it. Unless of course you hate Monty Python, then possibly you may not like it.